

We are a great church, serving a Great God, committed to His Great Commandment (Matt 22:37-39), to carry-out His Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20).

What to Expect at a Service

At Abundant Life Christian Ministries (ALCM), you will find loving people, who are more likely to give you a smile and a hug, rather than a handshake.

Our main worship service is approximately 2 hours. We follow a printed order of service, but move with the Spirit, who we recognize has the right to lead us away from the program whenever and however He wants.

You will find many attending our services dressed in Sunday's Best, jeans and sneakers, and everything in between, so come as you are. We just ask that we all seek to draw attention to God rather than ourselves.

Our style of music could fall in the categories of urban contemporary along with traditional gospel. Also, a hymn is sung during each service.

The sermon comprises 20-30 mins of the service with an altar call allowing time for prayer, salvation, deliverance, and healing.

We present opportunities for Children and Youth to step away for their own teaching during the sermon on selected Sundays.

Following our service, is a time for fellowship enjoyed with a full meal.

Bible Studies and Sunday School classes are interactive with participation encouraged. The approach is life-application with the goal to be able to put what we learn into practice and our faith into action.

Ministerial Staff & Church Officers



  • Deacon Calvin Brockington

  • Deacon Sylvia Joseph

  • Deacon Jessie Jackson

  • Deacon Shawn Jones

  • Deacon Gloria Miles

  • Deacon Stan Smith


  • Deacon Calvin Brockington, Pro Tem

  • Brother Quacy February, Sr.

  • Sister Phyllis Smith

  • Deacon Stan Smith

  • Brother Mark Thompson


Abundant Life Christian Ministries was established in 2010 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductable.


Page last updated 12/23/2024